Work Matters: Agility in dealing with changes

Human Resource Issues


Work Matters : Agility in dealing with changes 

There are a few issues related to Human Resource. So I will share with all of you that read my blog 10 common issues in Human Resources.

For this week I would like to share about changes issues. 

The ninth issues that I have recently read is from New Straits Times (NST). Based on what I have read in paper about the agility in dealing with changes.

This article discusses the importance of implementing extensive reforms in our systems of administration, and it also indicates that individuals are required to deal with changes in a variety of facets of their lives on a constant basis. Among the changes that will take place is the implementation of seismic administrative adjustments. It also occurs when a new Chief Executive Officer comes to replace their previous boss, or when stakeholders are selected for a new direction on a firm. In any case, it will cause employees to battle for any transformation and adjustments that may be implemented. Consequently, in order to remain suitable for their jobs, employees must constantly be prepared to adapt to changes that may occur at any time inside their individual firms. Changes are inescapable, and they can have a variety of unpredictable outcomes that are extremely challenging to handle. This will have an impact on employees' lifestyles and maybe even their entire careers. The need for change is inevitable in life; nevertheless, if one is unable to cope with the problems that life presents and chooses to oppose change, it will be more difficult to function efficiently in the workplace.

Impact :

Employee : Stress out and overwhelming on what might be the new challenges to face.

Performance : Low productivity and performance.

Organization : It can lead to a company that is not united because of different opinions as they refuse to make changes.

Solution :

Employee : Try to adapt with new changes because we did not know if it is better or worse unless we have try it.

Performance : Increase performance by always be motivated in doing daily work task.

Organization :  Offer strong leadership that determines how team will perceive these changes.

Shankar R. Santhiram. (2022, November 25). Work Matters: Agility in dealing with changes.
